When Can You Attack an Anthropus Camp Again


Anthropus Camps range from Level ane - 11. They are inhabited past the races ofAnthropus. Their assault force corresponds to troops trained in your Urban center and Outposts. Even though different level Camps accept the aforementioned image on the Map tab, they accept different amounts of troops. Practise not make the mistake of attacking a Army camp that is higher in level but by the prototype on the Map.

The Anthropus numbers take been acquired from players, not from Kabam, and are well tested only not always authentic. Use them at your own risk.

Warnings have been posted in the orange boxes, before mixing troops or troops and Dragons, read the warnings. Numbers below are only verified if using the exact aforementioned combinations of troops or dragons with the exact same level of researches or boosts as posted.

Anthropus Camps and Wilderness' regenerate x% of their population every five (five) minutes. Therefore, in fifty minutes the location volition have completely regenerated its inhabitants. If a location is partially regenerated, ii (2) waves of troops must be sent to clear the location; or, afterwards the first attack, 50% of the inhabitants volition however remain.

Click the tabs below to view the following sections.

Anthropus Troops and Resource by Level

Level 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Equiv
Brats i,500 3,000 6,000 15,000 30,000 45,000 ninety,000 180,000 350,000 750,000 750,000 Port
Cannibal 500 1,000 2,000 5,000 10,000 15,000 30,000 lx,000 120,000 250,000 250,000 Con
Stench 500 1,000 two,000 5,000 10,000 15,000 30,000 60,000 120,000 120,000 Spy
She-Devil i,000 two,000 4,000 ten,000 20,000 thirty,000 60,000 120,000 250,000 240,000 Halb
Clubber 1,000 2,000 4,000 xv,000 twenty,000 thirty,000 sixty,000 120,000 120,000 Mino
Hurler one,500 iii,000 10,000 xv,000 30,000 45,000 90,000 90,000 LBM
Shredder 2,000 4,000 eight,000 20,000 40,000 sixty,000 60,000 SSD
Chieftain 2,000 4,000 8,000 16,000 160,000 BD
Bloods 5,000 ten,000 200,000 Giant
Rager x,000 400,000 FM
Launchers 250,000 LJ
Smash 250,000 GO
Gnashers 300,000 FT
Divers 250,000 Bansh

Max Loot

one 2 3 4 5 6 7 eight 9 ten xi
Food 112.5k 225k 337.5k 450k 562.5k 675k 787.5k 900k 1012.5k 1125k 3,237.5k
Gold 2.5k 5k seven.5k 10k 12.5k 15k 17.5k 20k 22.5k 25k 27.5k
Wood 5k 10k 15k 20k 25k 30k 35k 40k 45k 50k 1,055k
Ore 500 1k one.5k 2k 2.5k 3k 3.5k 4k four.5k 5k 755.5k
Rock 500 1k 1.5k 2k two.5k 3k 3.5k 4k 4.5k 5k 755.5k
Talisman* 4 11 24 59 128 220 420 828 1636 3332 6880

[*]Talismans only awarded with a Great or Elemental Dragon in the march.

Drops from Camps

  • Level 1-4: Blink, Hop, Skip
  • Level five+: Great Dragon Armor
  • Level 7+: 100 or 500
    • Fangtooth Respirators
    • Volcanic Runes
    • Glowing Mandrakes
    • Banshee Talons
    • Reaper Totems
    • Swamp Scales
    • Titan Seedlings (only with Amber Crest Dragon in March)
    • Glacial Runes
  • Level 8+: Kaiser Egg
  • Level 9+: Aristocracy Troop Items, Dragonfire Amulets, Kaiser Armor, and Dragon Cardinal,
  • Level xi : Blink, Hop, Skip, Leap, Leaps, Fortuna Risk ticket, Elite Troop Items, master dragon key, sanctuary boodle breast(contains a sanctuary egg) and Momentary Truce.

Anthropus Talismans


The Anthropus Talismans are required to build the Spectral Ruins, upgrade the Wraith's Altar, and summons your Wraith Dragon.

You tin can obtain Anthropus Talismans from killing Anthropus including a Peachy or Guardian Dragon in the march. You may obtain them past attacking level 4+ Wildernesses, or level 1+ Anthropus Camps .

Each 500 Anthropus killed will laurels yous with i Talisman. The Anthropus kills are not cumulative (they volition non whorl over into the next boxing). The number awarded volition be listed on the boxing report.

Talismans received from Camps and Wildernesses

Camp Level # of Talismans Wild Level # of Talismans
1 iv i 0
two xi 2 0
3 24 3 0
iv 59 four 2
5 128 v 5
6 220 half-dozen 9
vii 420 7 9
viii 828 8 22
9 1636 9 45
10 3332 10 101
xi 6880 xi
Ranged troops with decent speed and Speed troops are the Simply troops used for Camps and Wilds.

These troops are LJs, FT, Sand Striders, Venom Dwellers, and LBM for ranged troops and Banshees, BDs, and SSDs for speed troops.

LBM are decent for beginner troops for levels 1-5 Camps until enough Speed troops are trained. Using them on level 6+ is risky, run into the warnings for details.

Speed melee troops (SSDs, BD, Banshees) excel in farming Camps due to their high speeds and load capacities. The only down side is that it takes more than of them than it does ranged troops, merely after you get enough to send a few marches simultaneously, they are the best. Banshees are the best speed melee troops because they have meliorate speed and load capacities. Unfortunately, SSDs (with high researches) and Banshees are only compatible with a few Guardian Dragons: Wind and Serpent mainly.

FT and LJ are the platonic troops for loftier level Camps due to their improved range, health, and speed stats. LJs are much faster than FMs, have amend stats, and have less fourth dimension to train. LJs are also the about uniform with Bang-up and Elemental Dragons. FTs come from the 1st OP and do not require level ten researches; therefore, they are easier to train than LJs.

Venom Dwellers may be used on Anthropus Camps. Their stats are like to Fangtooth, although their usage is still beingness tested.

FMs are non used due to their very slow speed. Giants are also very slow. Soul Reapers are even more costly and are meliorate PvP uses for them. Cons, Hals, and Minos may exist used if nada else is available on level i-3 camps, but across that information technology would take unreasonable amounts.

Petrified Titans are not used considering they are slow, costly, rare, and have no load capacity.

Frost Giants are also non used on Anthropus Camps and Wildernesses for the same reasons as Giants are not used. Frost Giants are only mildly better than the original Giants and require a additional Completion Grant to train.

Minimum Requirements: Troop Type

Click the post-obit tabs to view the following troop lists:

Compatible Dragons: Keen, Stone, Fire, Frost
Incompatible Dragons: Water, Wind, Serpent

Combining ranged (including GD/ED) & speed melee troops (SSDs/BDs/Banshees) volition result in loss of speed troops. Run across bottom for details.

There is always a random take chances of losses due to the Random Number Generator when using LBM, peculiarly to Lvl 5+ Camps. AT'due south will lower the risks, but do NOT eliminate them. You nonetheless take a chance total loss.

You lot tin can remove ATs if you practise not want resources and substitute Minotaurs to protect your LBMs for lower levels.
Add x% ATs for extra prophylactic measure. (Use either Porters or ATs, non both)


  • Level ane - 60 LBM + 147 Porters/33 ATs (Met i Med 1 WC 2)
  • Level 2 - 320 LBM + 600 Porters/50 ATs (Met 1 Med 1 WC 2)
  • Level 3 - 600 LBM + 1815 Porters/72 ATs (Met iv Med 4 WC 5)
  • Level 4 - 2k LBM + 2420 Porters/100 ATs (Met four Med 4 WC five)
  • Level 5 - 5k LBM + 100 ATs (Met 6 Med 4 WC vii)
  • Level half dozen - 7k LBM + 200 ATs (Met 7 Med 7 WC seven)
  • Level seven - 25k LBM + 225 ATs (Met 7 Med 7 WC seven)
  • Level 8 - 45k LBM + 1k ATs (Met half dozen Med vi WC 8)
  • Level 9 - 70k LBM + 2k ATs (Met 8 Med 6 WC 7)
  • Level 10 - 100k LBM + 1k ATs (Met 9 Med 7 WC 9)
  • Level xi - Non POSSIBLE

Longbowmen + Lvl 9 or 10 GD/ED

Please do non post BRs including LBM.Meet RNG and Current of air Dragon warning higher up!


  • Level v - 4k LBM + 200 AT + GD (4 Met 6 Med iv WC)
  • Level half-dozen - 10k LBM + 200 AT + GD (6 Met 5 Med 5 WC)
  • Level 7 - 12k LBM + 500 AT + GD (6 Met v Med seven WC)
  • Level 8 - 40k LBM + 700 AT + GD (viii Met six Med 7 WC)
  • Level 9 - 65k LBM + 2k AT + GD (7 Met 6 Med 8 WC)
  • Level 9 - 38k LBM + 3.5k AT + GD (9 Met ix Med x WC)
  • Level 10 - 89,999 LBM + 10k AT + L9 Frost (ix Met 7 Med 8 WC)
  • Level eleven - NOT POSSIBLE

Compatible Dragons: Current of air (Level 6+ Dragonry), Serpent
Incompatible Dragons: Groovy, Water, Stone, Fire, Frost, Helio

WARNING: Combining ranged (including GD/ED) & speed melee troops (SSDs/BDs/Banshees) will result in loss of speed troops. See lesser for details.

Swift Strike Dragon

Swift Strike Dragon.png

  • Level i - 120 SSDs (Met 2 Med iii Drag iii)
  • Level 2 - 1800 SSDs (Met 5 Med 3 Drag five)
  • Level 3 - 2500 SSDs (Met 5 Med 4 Elevate iii)
  • Level 4 - 5000 SSDs (Met 5 Med 4 Elevate iii)
  • Level v - 10k SSDs (Met 5 Med 4 Drag 8)
  • Level 6 - 20k SSDs (Met 5 Med vi Elevate viii)
  • Level seven - 30k SSDs (Met 5 Med 6 Drag 8)
  • Level 8 - 60k SSDs (Met 7 Med 7 Drag 5)
  • Level 9 - 160k SSDs (Met 10 Med 10 Elevate 10) Possible losses!
  • Level 9 - 100K SSDs + Serpent  (Met 8 Med 7 Drag 6) Possible losses!
  • Level 10 - 200k SSDs + Ophidian (Met x Med 10 Drag 9)
  • Level 11 - NOT POSSIBLE

Uniform Dragons: Serpent
Incompatible Dragons: Great, H2o, Stone, Burn, Frost, Helio

WARNING: Combining ranged (including GD/ED) & speed melee troops (SSDs/BDs/Banshees) will result in loss of speed troops. See bottom for details.

Battle Dragons

Battle Dragon(1).png

  • Level 1 - 50 BDs (Met 2 Med 3 Drag 3)
  • Level 2 - 900 BDs (Met seven Med 8 Drag v)
  • Level three - 1k BDs (Met 6 Med 5 Drag five)
  • Level iv - 3.2k BDs (Met three Med 5 Drag three)
  • Level 5 - 6k BDs (Met 7 Med 7 Drag 8)
  • Level vi - 10k BDs (Met 7 Med 7 Drag eight)
  • Level 7 - 15k BDs (Met 8 Med viii Elevate eight)
  • Level eight - 30k BDs (Met 8 Med 8 Drag 8)
  • Level ix - 60k BDs (Met eight Med 8 Elevate viii)
  • Level 10 - 110k BDs (Met 10 Med 10 Drag ten)
  • Level 11 - NOT POSSIBLE

Battle Dragons + Lvl 9 or 10 Ophidian

  • Level five - four.6k BDs + Serpent
  • Level half-dozen - 8k BDs + Serpent
  • Level 7 - 10k BDs + Serpent
  • Level eight - 24k BDs + Serpent
  • Level nine - 50k BDs + L8 Snake (Met ix Med 7 Elevate 8)
  • Level x - 90k BDs + L9 Snake (Met 10 Med 10 Elevate ten)
  • Level eleven - Not POSSIBLE

Compatible Dragons: Wind, Serpent
Incompatible Dragons: Neat, Water, Rock, Burn, Frost, Helio

Banshees LVL ix Met and Med


  • Level 1 - 175 Banshees
  • Level 2 - 400 Banshees
  • Level 3 - 800 Banshees
  • Level 4 - 1.7k Banshees (Met 10 Med 9)
  • Level 5 - 2k Banshees
  • Level 6 - 4.5k Banshees
  • Level vii - seven.5k Banshees
  • Level 8 - 15k Banshees
  • Level 9 - 25k Banshees (Met 10 Med 8)
  • Level 10 - 54k Banshees
  • Level 11- Non POSSIBLE

Compatible Dragons: Neat, Rock, Fire, Wind, Frost, Ophidian
Incompatible Dragons: Water

Fangtooth FT + 1 LBM is the ideal use for FT. The LBM's range causes the boxing field to be extended, therefore the FT is able to kill troops every bit they spread out across the field instead of in one group. Simply demand ane LBM, merely more than can be used.


  • Level one - 15 FT + 1LBM (Met nine Med 8 WC 8)
  • Level 2 - 25 FT + 1 LBM (Met 9 Med eight WC viii)
  • Level three - fifty FT + ane LBM (Met ix Med viii WC 8)
  • Level 4 - FT + 1 LBM (Met 7 Med 7 WC 7)
  • Level five - 750 FT + 1 LBM (Met 9 Med 8 WC 8)
  • Level half-dozen - 1k FT + 2k LBM (Met 9 Med 8 WC 8)
  • Level 7 - 2k FT + 2k LBM (Met 9 Med 9 WC 9)
  • Level 8 - 11k FT + 1k LBM (Met 8 Med nine WC 9)
  • Level ix - 20k FT + 1k LBM (Met 9 Med 9 WC 9)
  • Level x - 24k FT + 100 LBM (Met 10 Med 10 WC 10)
  • Level 11 - Not POSSIBLE

Compatible Dragons: Neat, Stone, Fire, Frost, Helio
Incompatible Dragons: Water, Air current, Snake

Lava Jaws Relevant researches Levels nine or x. GD/ED can be added to all safely.


  • Level i - 2 LJs + 50 ATs
  • Level 2 - 15 LJs + l ATs
  • Level iii - 35 LJs + 100 ATs
  • Level 4 - 45 LJs + 100ATs
  • Level 5 - 100 LJs + 150 ATs
  • Level 6 - 250 LJs + 150 ATs
  • Level vii - 425 LJs + 200ATs
  • Level eight - 800 LJs + 225 ATs
  • Level 9 - 2k LJs + 225ATs
  • Level ten - 3.5k LJs + 1k ATs
  • Level xi -
    • 35k LJs + 2k ATs + GD (Med 10 Med 10 WC 10 )
    • 30k LJs + 2k + GD (Met ten Med 10 WC x)
    • Only utilise GD/Ice/Stone/Burn/Helio and don't assail without GD/ED and ATs

Compatible Dragons: ???
Incompatible Dragons: ???

Venom Dwellers
Add AT'southward for resources and all GD's and ED's (Except WD and WiD) compatible.

Venom Dweller.png

  • Level 1 - 15 VDs (Met 9 Med 9 WC 10)
  • Level 2 - 25 VDs (Met 9 Med nine WC 10)
  • Level 3 - fifty VDs (Met ix Med 9 WC ten)
  • Level 4 - 100 VDs (Met ix Med 9 WC 10)
  • Level 5 - 500 VDs (Met 9 Med ix WC 10)
  • Level 6 - 1k VDs (Met 10 Med 10 WC 10)
  • Level 7 - 2k VDs (Met ix Med ix WC 10)
  • Level 8 - 3k VDs (Met 10 Med 10 WC 10)
  • Level 9 - 12k VDs (Met 10 Med ten WC x)
  • Level ten - 17k VDs (Met 10 Med ten WC 10)
  • Level xi -

Uniform Dragons: Great, Stone, Fire, Frost, Helio, Serpent, Helio
Incompatible Dragons: Water, Current of air
Some loss may occur with Dragons despite compatibility.

Sand Striders

Sand Strider(1).png

  • Level 1 - 15 SSt (Met 10 Med 10 WC x)
  • Level 2 - 25 SSt (Met x Med ten WC ten)
  • Level 3 - 60 SSt (Met 10 Med 10 WC x)
  • Level 4 - 100 SSt (Met 10 Med 10 WC x)
  • Level five - one thousand SSt (Met 1 Med 0 WC 2)
  • Level six - two.2k SSt (Met ten Med 10 WC x)
  • Level 7 - 4.3k SSt (Met x Med x WC 10)
  • Level 8 - 7.3k SSt (Met 10 Med 10 WC 10)
  • Level nine - Loss with 25k (Met 13 Med 10 WC 10 RD 11)
  • Level x - 34k SSt + lv 11 GD orLoss with 46k SSt(Met x Med 13 WC x RD 11)
  • Level 11-

Compatible Dragons: Wind Dragon, Serpent
Incompatible Dragons: Smashing, Water, Rock, Fire, Frost, Helio

Tempest Drakes

Storm Drake.png

WORK IN PROGRESS: If you take unlike numbers with smaller amounts or researches, delight post them with screenshots in comments below!

  • Level 1 - 10 SDs (Met ten Med x WC 10)
  • Level 2 - 30 SDs + 100 BDs (Met 10 Med 10 WC 10)
  • Level iii - 150 SDs + 200 ATs (Met 10 Med 10 WC ten)
  • Level 4 - 500 SDs + 500 ATs (Met 10 Med 10 WC 10)
  • Level v - 885 SDs + 1k BDs + Meph (Met 10 Med 10 WC 10)
  • Level six - one.7k SDs (Met 10 Med 9 RD ix)
  • Level vii - 3.5k SDs (Met 10 Med 9 RD 9)
  • Level 8 - 7k SDs (Met 10 Med ix RD 9)
  • Level 9 - 15k SDs (Met x Med nine RD 9)
  • Level x - 30k SDs (Met 10 Med 9 RD 9)
  • Level 11 -

Compatible Dragons: Wind, Serpent
Incompatible Dragons: Great, Water, Stone, Fire, Frost, Helio

Dimensional Ruiners

Dimensional Ruiner.png

Work in progress! The following are speculated amounts and have not been tested thoroughly. Submit reports (with researches printed on the report) if y'all would like to help contribute to this!

  • Level 1 -  3 DRs
  • Level 2 -  fifteen DRs
  • Level 3 -  30 DRs
  • Level 4 -  75 DRs
  • Level v -  150 DRs
  • Level 6 -  500 DRs
  • Level 7 -  650 DRs
  • Level 8 -  1200 DRs
  • Level 9 - 2300 DRs
  • Level 10 - 10k DRs (Met eight Med viii WC 8) or 10k DRs + Snake (Met eight Med 8 WC 8)
  • Level eleven -

Compatible Dragons: Great, Stone, Burn, Frost, Helio
Incompatible Dragons: Water, Wind, Serpent

Artic Leviation
Work in progress! The following are speculated amounts and take not been tested thoroughly. Submit reports (with researches printed on the report) if y'all would similar to help contribute to this!

  • Level 1 -
  • Level 2 -
  • Level iii -
  • Level 4 -
  • Level 5 - 500 AL + 100 ATs Met 2 Med 2 WC ii
  • Level 6 -
  • Level 7 -
  • Level 8 - m AL + 685 ATs + GD (Met one Med 0 WC 8) See bottom slideshow for pic.
  • Level 9 - 2000 AL + GD + 500 AT (Met ? Med ? WC ?)
  • Level 10 - 5000 AL + GD (Met 7 Med 7 WC 8)
  • Level 11 - 30,000 AL + GD + 200 ATs (Met 9 Med eight WC 10)

Uniform Dragons: Current of air, Serpent
Incompatible Dragons: Great, H2o, Rock, Fire, Frost

Shadow Stalker Work in progress! The following are speculated amounts and accept non been tested thoroughly. Submit reports (with researches printed on the study) if you would similar to assist contribute to this!

  • Level 1- 1 ShSt(Met 9 Med 9)
  • Level ii- fifteen ShSt(Met 9 Med 9)
  • Level 3- fifty ShSt(Met 9 Med ix)
  • Level iv- 150 ShSt(Met ix Med nine)
  • Level 5- 300 ShSt(Met 9 Med 9)
  • Level 6- 500 ShSt(Met 9 Med 9)
  • Level 7- 1000 ShSt(Met 9 Med nine)
  • Level viii- 2000 ShSt(Met ix Med 9)
  • Level ix- 5000 ShSt(Met 9 Med ix)
  • Level ten- 7500 ShSt(Met nine Med 9)
  • Level xi-

Minimum Requirements: Entire Table

How to use this nautical chart:

  • Whorl down to the level campsite you want to attack.
  • Are you looking for the "Max Loot" or "Min Loot."? Run into "types" descriptions beneath if you are unsure.
  • Will yous be using "Wearisome" troops (LBM/ATs) or Speed troops (Dragons/Banshees)?
  • Look to the right side under the "Inquiry" column... which researches closely match your ain?
  • You lot should use the troops or combination of troops listed to the left of the "Researches" y'all have selected.

Each row represents a different option, for example:

75 LBM + 33 Porters is one choice        

33 LBM + five ATs is another option        

Minimum Troops for Minimum Researches

Enter the minimum number of troops needed to defeat an Anthropus Camp without losses.


  • Longbowmen (LBM): Attacks that utilise LBMs as the chief attacking strength.
  • Speed: Troops with a speed higher than 700 (SSDs, BDs, Slayers, Wyrms, Banshees, Striders, Ruiners).
  • Slow Elites: Troops with a speed lower than 700, that require special materials or researches to train (Giants, FMs, Drakes, FTs, Ogres, LJs, Reapers, VDs, Leviathans).
  • Neat/ED Required: Troop combinations + Cracking or Guardian Dragons; Used for farming Anthropus Talismans.


Do not submit BRs with insignificant changes: Ex. 1-2k troop difference or 1-ii less inquiry levels.

By using LBM, yous accept the run a risk of losing some or all of your troops. See warnings higher up for details.

Level Type of March Troops Used Met Med WC Elevate
i LBM sixty LBM + 600 Porters one ane ii
xl LBM + 24 ATs 4 4 five
Speed 120 SSDs 2 iii three
50 BDs ii 3 iii
175 Banshees 9 9
iii Ruiners
xv Striders 10 x 10
Slow Elites 15 FT + 1 LBM 9 8 8
10 Storm Drakes x x ten
15 VDs 9 ix 10
2 LJs x 10 10
2 LBM 320 LBM + 47 ATs or 1210 Porters ane 1 ii
280 LBM + 47 ATs 3 3 iv
Speed 1240 SSDs 5 iv 5
900 BDs 7 8 5
400 Banshees 9 nine
15 Ruiners
25 Striders 10 10 x
Tiresome Elites 25 FT + one LBM nine viii eight
xxx Storm Drakes x 10 10
25 VDs 9 9 10
xv LJs x 10 x
Level Type of March Troops Used Met Med WC Drag
iii LBM 600 LBM + 70 ATs or 1815 Porters 4 four 5
Speed 2500 SSDs 5 4 3
1000 BDs 6 5 5
800 Banshees ix 9
xxx Ruiners
60 Striders 10 10 10
Slow Elites 50 FT + 1 LBM ix 8 viii
150 Storm Drakes ten x 10
fifty VDs 9 nine 10
35 LJs x 10 10
4 LBM 2k LBM + 87 ATs 4 4 5
Speed 5000 SSDs 5 4 3
6000 BDs 3 5 three
1700 Banshees 10 9
75 Ruiners
100 Sand Striders 10 10 10 8
Wearisome Elites 150 FT 7 7 seven
45 FMs + 100 AT ten half dozen ten
500 Storm Drakes 10 x ten
100 VDs nine ix 10
45 LJs 10 10 10
Level Type of March Troops Used Met Med WC Drag
5 LBM 5k LBM+ 150 ATs + 250 Minos vi 4 seven
Speed 10000 SSDs 5 4 8
6000 BDs 7 seven 8
2000 Banshee 9 9
150 Ruiners (Unproven with reports)
1000 Striders 1 0 2
Tiresome Elites 750 FT + i LBM 9 eight 8
885 Drakes 10 10 x
500 VDs 9 9 ten
100 LJs 10 10 10
GD/ED Required iv.6k BDs + Serpent (Lvl nine)
5k LBM + GD iv iv 7
6 LBM 7k LBM + 200 ATs vii 7 7
Speed 20k SSDs 5 six 8
10k BDs 7 seven eight
500 Ruiners (Unproven with reports)
2.2k Striders 10 10 10
four.5k Banshee 9 9
Slow Elites 1k FT+ 2k LBM nine eight 8
1.7k Drakes ten 9
1k VDs 10 10 ten
250 LJs 10 10 10
GD/ED Required 8k BDs + Serpent (Lvl nine)
8878 LBM + 253 ATs + GD Link 6 vi vii
Level Type of March Troops Used Met Med WC Elevate
7 LBM 25k LBM + 225 ATs seven 7 7
Speed 30k SSDs 7 6 eight
15k BDs 8 eight 8
650 Ruiners (Unproven with reports)
4.3k Striders 10 10 ten
7.5k Banshees 9 nine
Slow Elites 2k FT + 2k LBM 9 eight 8
2k VDs nine ix 10
iii.5k Drakes 10 ix
425 LJs 9 9 10
450 FMs + 200 ATs 10 9 ten
GD/ED Required 10k BDs + Serpent (Lvl 9)
12k LBMs + 270 ATs + Lvl 9 GD 6 v 7
viii LBM 45k LBMs & 1k ATs 6 vi 8
Speed 60k SSDs vii 7 5
30k BDs viii 8 viii
15k Banshees 9 9
1200 Ruiners (Unproven with reports)
seven.3k Sand Striders ten 10 10
Irksome Elites 11k FT + 1 LBM 9 8 8
3k VDs x x 10
7k Drakes 10 9
800 LJs + 200 ATs ix ix 10
??? FMs
GD/ED Required 40k LBM + 250 ATs + GDLink seven 7 seven
25k BDs + Snake (Lvl 9)
11k FT + 1 LBM + 500 ATs + ED eight 9 9
800 LJs + 200 ATs + ED ix 9 9
Level Type of March Troops Used Met Med WC Drag
nine LBM 70k LBM + 2.5k ATs 8 6 seven
Speed 160k SSDs (Possible losses) 10 x 10
60k BDs 8 8 8
2300 Ruiners (Unproven with reports)
25k Banshees 10 eight
Tiresome Elites 20k FT + ane LBM 9 viii 8
12k VDs 10 10 10
15k Drakes (This needs to be reverified) ten 9
2k LJs + 225 ATs 8 eight 10
4040 FMs + 175 ATs 9 9 x
GD/ED Required 55k LBM + i.2k ATs + GDLink 7 half dozen 7
100k SSDs + Ophidian 8 7 6
50k BDs + Serpent (Lvl 8) ix 7 8
20k FT + 1 LBM + ED 9 viii eight
2k ALs + GD + 500 ATs
2k LJs + ED 9 9 9
10 LBM 100k LBM + 250 ATs ix 7 9
Speed 110k BDs 10 10 10
54k Banshees 9 9
10k Ruiners viii 8 8 8
45k Sand Striders 10 10 10
Slow Elites 24k FT + 1 LBM 9 nine 9
17k VDs 10 x 10
4k LJs + 1k ATs 8 8 10
30k Drakes 10 9
10k FMs + one LBM + 250 ATs ten 10 10
25k Dark Slayers (RD lv 10) 11 14 x 11
four.5k Dimensional Ruiners 9 9
GD/ED Required 24k FT + 1 LBM + WiD nine 9 9
200k SSDs + Serpent 10 10 9
90k BDs + Ophidian (Lvl 9) 10 10 ten
10k Ruiners + Snake 8 8 8 8
5k AL + GD 7 7 8
3.5k LJs + ED (not WiD) 9 nine ten
Wraith Dragon - - - -
89999 LBM + SD Link 9 9 9
Level Type of March Troops Used Met Med WC Drag
LBM Not possible with LBM - - - -
Slow Elites 45k LJs + 5k ATs x 10 10

GD/ED Required

(Wraith not capable)

25k LJs + 6.5k LCs + 3k ATs + Level 11 GD ten xi 10 10
35k LJs + 4k ATs + GD/ED 9 nine 10
30k ALs + 200 ATs + GD 9 8 x

Alert: There is always a random chance of loss due to the Random Number Generator when sending LBMs to Level v+ Camps. AT'due south will lower the chances, but do Not elliminate them. Risk of total loss is nonetheless possible.

WARNING Explanation: The Battlefield is determined by adding the longest range troops' range + 500; while Speed troops would be able to cantankerous the field in ane round if sent alone, they will have actress damage if the field is extended by calculation the ranged troops.

          How to accept a screenshot:          Open Report you desire a picture of... Click the  "prt sc" push button AKA Print Screen... Open Paint program... Paste (ctrl + Five)        

Any complaints about losing LBM on Camps will exist deleted. You accept been warned numerous times.

Symbol Information.png

Page last updated: 2022-04-22 14:41 (UTC)



Source: https://dragonsofatlantis.fandom.com/wiki/Anthropus_Camps

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